President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Russian Federation Malena Mard held a joint meeting

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Russian Federation Malena Mard held a joint meeting
On October 13, in the capital of Brazil, the President of the CCI of Russia Sergei Katyrin, head of the Russian Chapter of the BRICS Business Council made a presentation at the BRICS Business Forum “Economic Partnership for a New Development Cycle”
The 16th Interregional Forum of Cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Roscongress Foundation was held in Omsk
The President of the CCI of Russia Sergey Katyrin noted in his speech that the meeting is being held on the day of the 90th birthday of the outstanding statesman and politician Yevgeny Primakov. The Council of Heads of the CCI of the CIS member states was created 17 years ago and was closely associated with the name of Yevgeny Primakov. The fact that the Council lives and develops is a tribute to his memory
The Russia-Africa summit continues its work in Sochi. The CCI of Russia’s delegation led by Sergey Katyrin took part in the panel session “Business Associations of Russia and Africa: the starting point of a long-term business partnership”
After working meetings with representatives of the political and business circles of the African continent, Sergey Katyrin spoke at the panel session “EAEU - Africa: Trends and Prospects for the Development of Integration Processes and Cooperation”
Vladimir Padalko, the Vice - president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation took part in the Russian-Mauritius Business Forum
The Economic Forum of the European Chambers was held in Rome. Vladimir Padalko, the Vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation took place in the event
For the fifteenth time CCI of Russia hosted the traditional Russian-British investment forum “RussiaTALK” organized by the Russo -British Chamber of Commerce (RBCC) in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Sergey Katyrin noted the similarity of many problems faced by the business of the BRICS and SCO countries. “Of course there are some nuances but the problems themselves are largely international,” said Sergey Katyrin and added that this is also confirmed by the themes of the work of the BRICS and SCO business councils. The problems of administrative pressure from the authorities, barriers, access to finance, lack of qualified workers are common to all BRICS and SCO countries
On September 11th in connection with World Chambers Federation’s General Council meeting in Moscow, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov met with the leaders of the International Chamber of Commerce, World Chambers Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
An expanded meeting of the World Chambers Federation’s General Council whose members comprise more than 12 thousand chambers of commerce and business associations took place at the CCI of Russia
The President of the CCI of Russia Sergey Katyrin in his opening remarks noted that such an event is being held in Russia for the first time
What will be the new focal points for cooperation in terms of trade and investment between Russia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations? What prospects for cooperation does the digital economy hold, specifically for integrating projects to create a network of smart cities? Integrating investment flow instruments and mechanisms from ASEAN into Russia: how can we intensify the process of investment cooperation?
As part of the Eastern Economic Forum the traditional business dialogue “Russia - Republic of Korea” took place. Evidence of the interest of Korean business in expanding the areas of joint activities with Russian business was the fact that about 130 entrepreneurs from the Republic of Korea came to EEF-2019
A seminar to discuss the participation of Russian business in UN procurement was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Maxim Fateev, the Vice-President of the CCI of Russia, opened and hosted this event
The Russian-Mozambique Business Forum was held at the Moscow World Trade Center. It was attended by the President of the Republic of Mozambique Filipe Jacinto Nyusi
On August 12, the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Padalko took part in a key event of the first Caspian Economic Forum - the international conference “The Caspian Sea: the development of international economic cooperation” (Turkmenistan, Avaza).
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation outlined working plans for representatives abroad
The Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Padalko moderated the Russian-Slovak business forum at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in the framework of the visit to Russia Andrei Danko, the Chairman of the National Council (Parliament) of the Slovak Republic
The XV Joint Trade and Economic Forum of Russia, China and Mongolia were held in Krasnoyarsk from 26 to 28 June. The vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Padalko took part in its work
An organizational meeting of the Russia-Brazil Council of Entrepreneurs was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
The 11th World Chambers Congress took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 12-14 June. The delegation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation headed by the President of the CCI of Russia Sergey Katyrin joined the event
“The World has changed: the search for new ways for a joint future” was the theme of the key session of the World Chambers Congress in Rio de Janeiro
The ceremony of awarding the National prize in the field of entrepreneurship “Golden Mercury” was held at the Moscow’s Expocentre
5th “Primakov Readings” International forum of experts, diplomats and decision-makers dedicated to the memory of academician and statesman Yevgeny Primakov was held at the World Trade Center from 10 to 11 of June
“BRICS Innovation Activity: Main Directions and Prospects for the Development of Cooperation” was the theme of the BRICS panel session at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergei Katyrin summarized the discussion “SCO without Borders: integration of transport infrastructure” at the SPIEF-2019: “the integration of the SCO transport infrastructure will require considerable efforts, especially at the legislative level”